Workshop 2: gvSIG 3D and animations

12/2009 - RAFAEL GAITÁN (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV) MARÍA TEN (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV) JORDI TORRES (Instituto de...

Care to Share? - sharing your OSS code on

12/2009 - SZABOLCS SZEKACS (DG Informatics, European Commission) Presented material ...

gvSIG Mobile and gvSIG Mini

12/2009 - MIGUEL MONTESINOS (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association) JAVIER CARRASCO ( Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association) AMELIA DEL REY ( gvSIG Association) ...

Workshop 4: gvSIG vectorial new features

12/2009 - VICTORIA AGAZZI (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association) Presented material ...

gvSIG and standards: What happens when the fox guards the hen house?

12/2009 - JORGE PIERA (IVER T.I. - gvSIG Association) JOSÉ VICENTE HIGÓN (Software Colaborativo - gvSIG Association) GABRIEL CARRIÓN (Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport....

NavTable, sailing along the data in gvSIG

12/2009 - PABLO SANXIAO (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña) Presented material ...

Project CarThema5 – Tcharting tool

12/2009 - VLADIMIR PERIĆ (Beogis) VLADIMIR ĆETKOVIĆ (Beogis) Presented material ...

gvSIG collection manager for spatial resources

12/2009 - VICENT SANJAIME (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association) Presented material ...

Project CAMPUS – Land Cadastre Maintainence Tool

12/2009 - VLADIMIR PERIĆ (Beogis) VLADIMIR ĆETKOVIĆ (Beogis) Presented material ...