Methodology for reconstruction in interactive virtual game mode of cultural heritage. Application to medieval castle Torreparedones (Baena)
09/2017 - Porcuna Bermúdez, Diego, Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave, Jerónimo Sanz Cabrera, & Francisco de Paula Montes Tubío ...
Urbanization and tourism in the Campo Cartagena-Mar Menor area (Murcia, Spain). Impact on soil sealing
06/2017 - Díaz, A. R., Pedraza, A. C., & Morales, A. P. Cuadernos de Turismo, 39, 695-698. ...
Mapping of tecto-lineaments and their influence on sedimentological processes in a GIS environment: a case study of the Iberian trough, Spain
04/2017 - Herrero-Hernández, A., López-Moro, F. J., Valle-Feijóo, M. E., Gómez-Fernández, F., & Rodríguez-Pérez, J. R. ...
Surface urban heat island and buildings energy: visualization of urban climatic flows with gvSIG
12/2016 - Rodríguez-Álvarez, J. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da FAUUSP, 23(41),...
Urban heat island prediction in the mediterranean context: an evaluation of the urban weather generator model
10/2016 - Salvati, A., Coch Roura, H., & Cecere, C. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment = Arquitectura, ...
GIS modelling of intermodal networks: a comparison of two methods
08/2016 - Navarro, M., Gabriel, J., Medianero-Coza, A., & Hilal, I. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 146...
Territorial management for an appropriate technological choice: the case of CIH and CIBiogás projects in Parana 3 River Basin, Parana, Brazil
05/2016 - Lange, M. V., Andersen, S. M., & Pasqual, J. C. International Conference on Renewable Energ ies and Power...
Open source GIS and Geospatial Software in Archaeology: Towards their Integration into Everyday Archaeological Practice
01/2016 - Orengo, H. A. Open Source Archaeology Ethics and Practice. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG , pp. 64-82. ISBN...
Demographic and health attributes of the Nahua, initial contact population of the Peruvian Amazon
01/2016 - Culqui, D. R., Ayuso-Alvarez, A., Munayco, C. V., Quispe-Huaman, C., Mayta-Tristán, P., & Campos, J. D. M. D. ...
Simulation of Water Use Dynamics by Salix Bush in a Semiarid Shallow Groundwater Area of the Chinese Erdos Plateau
08/2015 - Huang, J., Zhou, Y., Hou, R., & Wenninger, J. Water, 2015, vol. 7, no 12, p. 6999-7021. ...
Bycatch of the squat lobster Munida gregaria in bottom trawl fisheries in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina
08/2015 - Varisco, Martin, Julio H. Vinuesa, and María E. Góngora Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr 50.2: 249-259 ...
Black woodpecker Dryocopus martius (L., 1758) distribution, abundance, habitat use and breeding performance in a recently colonized region in SW Europe
07/2015 - Olano, Mikel, et al. Munibe, Cienc. nat.63. ISSN 0214-7688. eISSN 2172-4547 ...
Influence of Water Temperature and Salinity on PH During Dry Season in Lower Dong Nai River System, Vietnam
06/2015 - Dung, Dang Quoc; Duc, Pham Anh GeoScience Engineering, 2015, vol. 61, no 4, p. 29-35 ...
GIS modelling of intermodal networks: a comparison of two methods
06/2015 - Moreno-Navarro, J. G., Medianero-Coza, A., & Hilal, I. DOI: 10.2495/UT150381 Conference: Urban Transpor 2015,...
Study of the appropriation of squares in Florianópolis, Brazil
01/2015 - da Luz, G. Y., Heinisch, L. M., Goulart, V., Dorneles, F. L. L. Z., & Ely, V. H. M. B. Urban sustainability:...
New publishing extension. Managing a SDI from gvSIG 2.1
12/2014 - JOSÉ BADÍA (Scolab. gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
The Geographic Information System of the Land Bank of Bierzo (BaTiBiSIG): an application of gvSIG to the economic activity activation in rural zones
12/2014 - JOSÉ RAMÓN RODRÍGUEZ-PEREZ (Universidad de León. Spain) Presented material ...
The paleotopography through the study of geotechnical surveys
12/2014 - JOSEFINA GARCÍA LEÓN, ANTONIO GARCÍA MARTÍN (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Spain) Presented material ...
Using gvSIG to create the GIS for the dinosaur footprints sites of La Rioja (Spain)
The gvSIG as a tool in the health sector: the health map of Mauritania
12/2014 - MERCEDES DE LOS A. RODRÍGUEZ (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain) Presented material ...
— 20 Items per Page