2as Jornadas LAC gvSIG: Evolución del Convenio Asociación gvSIG y SOLAR
07/2017 - María Marta Elustondo. ARGENTINA Material presentado ...
2as Jornadas LAC gvSIG: OSGeo y la comunidad hispanohablante
07/2017 - Francisco Palm. VENEZUELA; Jorge Sanz. ESPAÑA Presentación ...
Developments in gvSIG to manage the data in archaeological sites
12/2010 - ANDRÉS MANEIRO (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña) Presented material ...
Evaluation of the buildings in the area of architecture controlled by the UNESCO polygonal. Santa Ana de Coro
12/2010 - VALENTY GONZÁLEZ (Creativa – gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
Geographical techniques applied to the study of archaeological sites in the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires
12/2010 - DIANA SANDRA TAMBURINI (Dpto. Arqueología (FHyA) – Universidad Nacional de Rosario) ADRIÁN OSCAR BUSSOLINI (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura –...
GeoWeb Móvil – Application for mobile devices to carry out indicative budgets for geotechnical studies
12/2010 - JORGE CEBRIÁN (Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación) JOSÉ MANUEL VIVÓ (DiSiD Technologies S.L) Presented...
How to make a Geoportal from gvSIG in 15 minutes
12/2010 - VALENTY GONZÁLEZ (Creativa – gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
Loading raster images from gvSIG using PostGIS-Raster
12/2010 - NACHO BRODIN (Prodevelop S.L. - gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
OCEANTIC. Software for the transfer, display and management of digital information on the high sea
12/2010 - ÁLVARO ARROYO (Estudios GIS S.L.) Presented material ...
Workshop 6: gvSIG Mobile – gvSIG Mini
12/2010 - JAVIER CARRASCO (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association) ALBERTO ROMEU (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association) ...
Application about the check of documentation produced in the field of POEX PNOA Project field on gvSIG
12/2010 - VICENTE MAYO ( Dirección General de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio – Junta de Extremadura) ANTONIO SORIA (Iver T.I. – gvSIG Association) ...
Design tool for urban and territorial planning in Extremadura
12/2010 - FERNANDO CEBALLOS-ZÚÑIGA (Consejeria de Fomento – Junta de Extremadura) JAVIER RUBIO (Consejeria de Fomento – Junta de Extremadura) VICENTE CABALLERO (Iver T.I. –...
Evaluation of gvSIG and Sextante Tools for Hydrological Analysis
12/2010 - HILDAH MUDOGAH (Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart – University of Applied Science) Presented material ...
FOSS4G and free data in emergency management
12/2010 - ANTONIO GONZÁLEZ (Emergya) Presented material ...
Fuenlabrada's Spatial Data Infrastructure
12/2010 - JOSÉ MARTOS (Ayuntamiento de Fuenlabrada) LUÍS RUÍZ (Iver T.I. – gvSIG Association) JOSÉ VICENTE HIGÓN (Software Colaborativo S.L – gvSIG Association) ...
GearScape integration in gvSIG
12/2010 - FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ (GearScape) Presented material ...
Generating resource descriptions for gvSIG from GeoCrawler
12/2010 - ARTURO BELTRÁN (iNIT – Universitat Jaume I) CRISTIAN MARTÍN (iNIT – Universitat Jaume I) Presented material ...
geneSIG – A customized gvSIG client for the newGIS infrastructure
12/2010 - HELMUTH LEITNER (Autonomous Province of Bolzano – Department of Statistical and Geo Informatics) ALESSIO MODENA (Trilogis – Rovereto) ...
gvSIG applied to the Defense
12/2010 - MIGUEL ÁNGEL BLANCO (Asociación Civil Software Libre de Argentina (SOLAR)) Presented material ...
gvSIG EIEL: an application to manage municipal data
12/2010 - FRANCISCO ALBERTO VARELA (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña) Presented material ...
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