The paleotopography through the study of geotechnical surveys
12/2014 - JOSEFINA GARCÍA LEÓN, ANTONIO GARCÍA MARTÍN (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Spain) Presented material ...
Using gvSIG to create the GIS for the dinosaur footprints sites of La Rioja (Spain)
The Geographic Information System of the Land Bank of Bierzo (BaTiBiSIG): an application of gvSIG to the economic activity activation in rural zones
12/2014 - JOSÉ RAMÓN RODRÍGUEZ-PEREZ (Universidad de León. Spain) Presented material ...
Official gvSIG Desktop learning: current situation. Certification, collaborators and university learning
12/2014 - PABLO CUADRADO (Contefo), CESÁREO BAS (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) Presented material ...
ETSIGCT (UPV) actions in its development and application of gvSIG at the Degree and Master of Geomatics Engineering
12/2014 - ISRAEL QUINTANILLA (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Spain) Presented material ...
Workshop: gvNIX
12/2014 - MARIO MARTÍNEZ (DISID CORPORATION. gvSIG Association) Material necessary for the workshop (Spanish) ...
Opening session 10th International gvSIG Conference
12/2014 - ÁLVARO ANGUIX (gvSIG Association) Recording ...
Methodology for Monitoring the Global Urban Expansion
12/2014 - MANUEL MADRID (gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
gvSIG CRIME, a new tool for criminal investigation
12/2014 - DANIEL SALAFRANCA, MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ (Policía Local de Castellón. Spain) Presented material ...
Open Data in the Field of Geographic Information
12/2014 - ANTONIO F. RODRÍGUEZ (Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (IGN)) Presented material ...
Incorporation of the geographical component in corporative applications at the Generalitat Valenciana
12/2014 - RAFAEL VALCÁRCEL (Subdirector General de Aplicaciones y Administración Electrónica. D. G. Tecnologías de la Información. Generalitat) ...
gvNIX - Fast development of geoportals for visualization and data management
12/2014 - MARIO MARTÍNEZ (DISID CORPORATION. gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
gvSIG Roads - Maintenance and conservation of roads management using software with cartographic information integrated
12/2014 - DAVID CERVERA (DISID CORPORATION. gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
Implementation of a SDI in a big corporation
12/2014 - JOSE VICENTE HIGÓN (Scolab. gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
The gvSIG as a tool in the health sector: the health map of Mauritania
12/2014 - MERCEDES DE LOS A. RODRÍGUEZ (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain) Presented material ...
GIS applications in forest and urban environment in East Africa
12/2014 - ALESSIO PUCCINI (GISMAP. Italy) Presented material ...
Assessing urban accessibility in the city of Brescia: the impact of public transport infrastructures
12/2014 - CESARE LACONI (GISMAP. Italy) Presented material ...
Recovery and geometric improvement of the jurisdictional boundary lines at the Region of Valencia in the IGN Regional Service. A step towards the future
12/2014 - EMILIO BENITEZ, JESÚS PLA (Servicio Regional del IGN en la Comunidad Valenciana. Spain) Presented material ...
Determination of a model of demand in peripheral airports within regions with geographical and demographic handicaps: the case of the Badajoz Airport
12/2014 - PROF. DR. JOSÉ ANTONIO GUTIÉRREZ (Universidad de Extremadura. Spain) Presented material ...
Methodology to determine the social cohesion improvement by the new railway infrastructure introduction. The peninsular Spain case
12/2014 - PROF. DR. JOSÉ ANTONIO GUTIÉRREZ (Universidad de Extremadura. Spain) Presented material ...
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