Aplicações do gvSIG na Gestão Territorial com foco no Nexo Água-Energia
05/2014 - ALISSON RODRIGUES ALVES. Centro Internacional de Hidroinformática/UNESCO/Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu ...
Um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) para auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisão em um comitê de bacia hidrográfica
05/2014 - ALEXANDRO GULARTE SCHAFER. Universidade Federal do Pampa – Unipampa Material presentado ...
gvSIG como plataforma para el estudio del Cambio Climático
04/2014 - Asociación gvSIG Seminario INECC (México) ...
Scripting en gvSIG 2
04/2014 - Óscar Martínez Webinar MundoGEO ...
gvSIG aplicado a Geomarketing
02/2014 - Asociación gvSIG Webinar MundoGEO ...
Novidades do gvSIG Desktop 2.1
02/2014 - Gilberto Cugler, Asociación gvSIG. Webinar MundoGEO ...
Utilização do gvSIG na Defesa Civil
02/2014 - Gilberto Cugler, Asociación gvSIG Webinar MundoGEO ...
gvSIG aplicado a Medio Ambiente
02/2014 - eGeoMapping, Asociación gvSIG Webinar MundoGEO ...
gvSIG Case Studies in Forestry and Environment
01/2014 - gvSIG Association Third Near East Forestry Week 2014 (Amman, Jordania) ...
Workshop 3: Cadastral management on gvSIG
11/2013 - CESÁREO BAS, JOSÉ ANTONIO AYÉN (Universidad Miguel Hernández) Material necessary for the workshop ...
Workshop 4: gvSIG applied to Environment
11/2013 - CARLOS RODRIGUEZ, MARÍA JOSÉ BRAVO, MARTA CRIADO (eGeoMapping) Material necessary for the workshop ...
TEMPLE, Geographical Information System for Spanish Land Registry
11/2013 - ISIDRO ARQUERO, DANIEL LÓPEZ (Cooperativa Registral de Servicios Tecnológicos, RegSeTe) Presented material ...
The relevance of street patterns and public space in urban areas
11/2013 - JOAN CLOS (ONU-HABITAT), MANUEL MADRID (gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
csUrbanismo: Urban Planning, calculation and design
11/2013 - DAVID TRILLO, ALBERTO MAYÁN (Avansig) Presented material ...
Migration to PostgreSQL + PostGIS of the Cartociudad database and associated WPS services
11/2013 - FRANCISCO J. PEÑARRUBIA (Scolab. gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
Geomatics in the petroleum sector: Progress in the PDVSA SDI. Exploration using free technologies
11/2013 - JOSÉ VICENTE HIGÓN (Scolab, gvSIG Association), CARDENIO ATERO (Creativa. gvSIG Association) Presented...
gvSIG applications in East Africa – Kenya and Somaliland
11/2013 - GIULIANO RAMAT (Associazione Professionale GISMAP. Italy) Presented material ...
Moving to open technologies in the field of municipal management and urban infrastructure based on the use of Postgres-PostGIS
11/2013 - JOSEP LLUÍS SALA (Tècnicsassociats) Presented material ...
R & D solutions to manage road infrastructures with gvSIG
11/2013 - GONZALO MARTÍNEZ (Icarto) Presented material ...
Integration of gvSIG in the working processes of a geomatics sector company
11/2013 - FERNANDO COTINO, JOSEP GIMENO (Global Geomática) Presented material ...
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