Workshops are free of charge (limited capacity), and registration must be done from these links:
- Workshop 1: Introducción a gvSIG (Spanish) (15:30 - 17:30)
Location: ETSIGCT at UPV (Building 7i), 0.2 Room (you have to take your own computer; more information at the gvSIG blog).
- Workshop 2: Geoestadística con gvSIG (Spanish) (15:30 - 17:30)
Location: ETSIGCT at UPV (Building 7i), 1.6 Room (room with computers; more information at the gvSIG blog).
- Workshop 3: gvSIG aplicado a criminología (Spanish) (17:30 - 19:30)
Location: ETSIGCT at UPV (Building 7i), 0.2 Room (you have to take your own computer; more information at the gvSIG blog).
- Workshop 4: Introducción al desarrollo en gvSIG con Scripting (Spanish) (17:30 - 19:30)
Location: ETSIGCT at UPV (Building 7i), 1.6 Room (room with computers; more information at the gvSIG blog).
- Workshop 5: Hydro-geomorphological Modelling in gvSIG with the JGrasstools plugins (English) (WORKSHOP CANCELLED)
- Workshop 6: gvSIG Online y gvSIG Mobile (Spanish) (15:45 - 17:45)
Location: ETSIGCT at UPV (Building 7i), 1.5 Room (room with computers; more information at the gvSIG blog).
- Workshop 7: Desarrollo avanzado en gvSIG con scripting (Spanish) (17:45 - 19:45)
Location: ETSIGCT at UPV (Building 7i), 1.5 Room (room with computers; more information at the gvSIG blog).